Premium Print Release
Hi SUYE | TLP here!
We are so excited that the word is out! We are going to release a first Phygital Premium Screen Print.
The release will be an in person only release at the 26th of January 2023 in Auxerre in France.
The Premium Art Print (50 x 100cm Screen Print on 300grams) will be the very first time to have our Blockchain Certificate included. It will also celebrate the go live from our new website section “ The wall” that will show all of our works that have embedded certifictes. So by the use of the digital certificates we are now able to show all the new paintings and premium prints in this section and these will be stored indefinitely on chain for future TLP fans & generations to come.
The Premium Screen Print will be sold at CryptoXR to highlight our new step into Web3 and even will include a digital collectible redeemable at VEVE. You could say that this is our very first screen print that is going “ Phygital “.
Numbers and Letters United, Premium Screen Print 50 x 100cm, including our web3 certificate + veve colletible
We will have booth together with VEVE to celebrate the release and can’t wait to meetup with so many of the VEVE family and our own Discord TLP fam .
Please make sure to join us on our web3 journey as there is so much more to come!
We will release our very first Ethereum release by end of summer 2024 and will be present at more digital events to come.
This new technology enabled us to get closer to our collectors and enables us to enhance our storytelling into the next phase of The London Police.
See you in Auxerre!