TLP Hangouts
Hi SUYE - TLP here, let’s talk about hangouts!
Maybe some of you have noticed while going around Amsterdam, but for a couple of years we have been sharing our art inside and outside some of the best cafes and hangouts in Amsterdam. So, let us tell you a bit about these creative hangout spaces.
In Amsterdam, you can find our works at Checkpoint Charlie , yes, indeed, referring to that famous checkpoint in Berlin! Another favorite spot of ours is Café Belgique , the newly Secret Garden. Also not to miss is Cafe Havelaar where the team painted on the top floor.
First a bit about Cafe Belgique, Many famous artists and friends gather there to showcase their latest and greatest art and provide support to the scene. The street is often used as a gallery so, if you are around, it’s definitely a must-go. Grab a nice wine or beer, or both, and don’t forget to head to the top floor, as the murals are filled with TLP's work!
Café Belgique
Gravenstraat 2,
1012 NM Amsterdam
For Checkpoint Charlie, TLP has decorated all of the outdoor spaces, and as you can see, the Lads have joined to share some good vibes. Additionally, many “Amsterdammers” are referring to this place as they have encountered “The Lads” from somewhere before. One of the TLP personal friends decided to embark on the adventure of opening a cafe, and a member of our team decided to assist with the decoration. From there, we all agreed to join in and help decorate the place in an authentic manner, which really worked out from our perspective. The chances of encountering some members of our team here are quite likely.
Checkpoint Charlie
Nassaukade 48
1052 CM Amsterdam
These are also the places where any new “digital” ideas we come up with will be tested. So, who knows what you will discover while exploring the neighborhoods of Amsterdam? Or in a totally new digital way near our murals?
About the digital collectable web3 details, we are not yet ready to fully release all the digital collectable NFT details as some of it is still being designed and tested , but it’s nearly set in stone that all of our works will be digitally enabled and our works will be stored for the future to come. With the technology and our new webpage artworks will be stored indefinitely for our fans. So, keep an eye out on the site and especially these locations as they will store something highly collectable from TLP and will be our “digital” test ground over the months to come!
One of our latest venues is The Secret Garden , It’s a temporary space that serves as a nurturing ground for street artists from across the globe. It is curated by Nicholas Groente en Fruit & our renowned Mr. Chinny Bond
We don’t want to spoil too many secrets, so just go out there and explore the creativeness.
Secret Garden - Nicholas Groente & Fruit
Sint Nicolaasstraat 19,
1012 NJ Amsterdam
Well if you like (street) Art make sure that you visit these places! And Nicholas “ Broodjes are Superb! So you know where to go!
Cafe Havelaar, great music vibes and of course Art!
A classic place to hang out with friends and stay ** positive! We will highlight some separate stories soon about the places so stick around for more updates.
Cafe Havelaar
Voetboogstraat 22,
1012 XL Amsterdam
So when you hit Amsterdam; and like TLP you sure know where to go!